that morning i woke up earlier than other usual Sunday. i got up and opened up two birthday cards from back home which was mailed to me two days earlier. tears welling up my eyes as i read the words of my parents (how i missed them so much!!) and the cute handwritings of my little sister.
at 9am, i was already on the road heading to my auntie’s place to pass some stuff to bring back to Kuching. i didnt know driving in KL - around BB area - on a Sunday morning could be so relaxing and refreshing. minus the usual traffic congestion, minus black smokes produced by buses and lorries, plus Sunday morning sunshine, it almost feels like driving in Kuching at 7am on a Sunday morning (huh! ada time gap paduhal these two places).
and then i remembered Sheila saying bout having your own me-time on your birthday. so i head to the coffee shop and get myself a big breakfast all by myself. that was already around 1030am - and people here in KL viccinity is STILL having their breakfast. if in Kuching, people is already bustling in and out of Sunday market. even if there are those in the coffee shops, you would see bags of groceries under their table or shopping bags with colourful fruits seated next to them. but people here semua muka fresh lepas mandi sipping their coffee and tea. seriously lah these KL people ada lambat 2 jam.

after a happy hour of having brunch reading a fashion magazine konon-konon stylo, Apiz and i met up and we were all geared up to do flying fox in KL Tower! its like a feast of fireworks in my heart and tummy when i walked up to the registration counter. and as i filled in the form and sign it off, i said to myself 'am i really doing this??' i started having sweaty palms and feet. and in my case, i get EXTRA OVER sweaty palms and feet when i am too anxious. cause i get sweaty palm and feet allllll the time even in an air-conditioned room. and at one point when we were walking towards the platform, i confessed to Apiz 'tuija mok polah bungee jump, tok pun dah cuak. boleh sik sikmok polah??' HAHAHAHAHA well, that was just a conversation to fill in the time gap ok :P :P :P there were four other jumpers that day besides me and Apiz, so they all went first, and Apiz went last. so kira terre la kamek nak, to go before Apiz. its like 'Apiz, tangga Aten polah giney ahh. iboh takut.' yerrdeh! haha the best part was we got to do two jumps each so the first one was kind of a trial jump, and the second one you already know the drill and you can enjoy it without constantly thinking 'whats going to happen next?'

bungee jump vs. flying fox:
in my thought, for my birthday this year, it HAS to be something different AND i dont want to be dependent on other people to make it happen. as the miracle date - 24th October - fall perfectly on a Sunday, i made plans as early as January. they include: bungee jump in Phuket, exploring Bangkok, and fall in love once again for Singapore. those are the many plans which i juggled about to pick out which is the best. but those plan also come with one very big problem. i need a travel mate. i cant go if i dont have anyone going with me. for all you know my dad would be keeping my passport in the safe box with 16-digit security password, or bury it in the ground next to our 'pandok ground' or he might just feed the crocodile with it. oh no over exaggeration happens. so i cant find someone who can go to those places with me on the said date. everyone else has their own schedule to keep up with, and i myself was also busy with assignments and datelines (did not foresee this in January). and then i came across an information bout bungee jump is back in operation in Sunway Lagoon! yippy!! so i made new plan: to bungee jump on 24th October 2010 in Sunway Lagoon. i tried to talk Apiz into doing it with me. cause you'll get a certificate of bravery for doing the jump, and i want Apiz to have one with my birthday date on it. Apiz sik mok. i pleaded him with bambi eyes also he didnt want. he said he'll only take my photos and video of me jumping. and then i redha. and a couple of days before the big day, i told him i dont want to do the jump, cause he's not doing it. i want to do something fun together with him. so we opted to do the flying fox at Menara KL.
bungee jump gik Dear~
and then i went to meet up with my rebel mates back in UIA. we kinda have this routine to meet up for each others’ birthday even if its only for a slice of cake. doing meet-ups like this, its almost like a constant reminder that i will always have these beautiful people by me no matter what. thank you darlings!
and about the Mr. Gorgeous Instax. my new toy. my joy. my muse. i love you. i keep on finding reason to touch you even if i cant use you. apparently Semenanjung Malaysia is having a lack of stock on the film (surprisingly stock melambak in Kuching). so i cant play much with it, yet. out of the 10 films, lemme see, i only took two photos ok! the rests are by Apiz or total strangers. how lah. i want to be in the picture, have to ask someone else to take the photo right? :P
a very BIG thank yous and hearts and bubble clouds and kittens and all the nice things to Apiz Dearie for the cameraa!!~ :D :D :D yippy can i cry?
a very deer friend also gave me this cool bag which i cant stop using it now. i love the vibrant colour, the material, the just-nice size and of course the doll herself who gave it to me. but im scared if i use it too often then the colour would fade or it'll lose its natural texture and become slouchy and oh so many paranoia-of-using-too-much-of-a-beloved-thing-cause-i-dont-want-it-to-lose-its-original-quality-that-makes-me-fall-in-love-with-it-at-the-first-place. hah! oh and because of that paranoia, i like to take photos of my stuff (and keep some of them and never use them)! omg! i sound like a psychopath.
it was a happy birthday for me. in fact it was a happy birthmonth. Apiz did try make every living day of October feels like my birthday and it worked! thank you so much Love, for each and every little details you did (and did not do, esp on dinner night!). can i cry now?
even now, already half way through November, people are still wishing me belated birthday wishes, thank you all for the wishes and doa. may God bless your kindness with even greater kindness from Him. i am overjoyed!