Wednesday, October 28, 2009

truth hurts

 i'm sarcastic, and i'm judgmental. i'm not all-sweet afterall :)

so i was told not to expect. if you think about it, funny how many can easily said that to us in the means to cool us down when we're in the hard situation. but when comes the times they're the ones who're in the shoe, they DO expect us to do things they expect us to do. without shame, asking for it some more.. you're a bit selfish aren't you? :) cliche enough, but, havent you tired of hearing 'treat others like how you expect to be treated'? or maybe you just forget.. ooh, its ok then. we're humans afterall.. :)

ps: and so i was reminded with sheila's collection of words of wisdom: their happiness is not our responsibilities. i can apply it here, can't i sheila? hee

Sunday, October 25, 2009


...surely didnt stick too long. i've learned a BIG lesson. instead of waiting for it to come. i must seek for it, or at the very least chance of finding it, i shall run away from it. so next year will be different i suppose.


Friday, October 23, 2009

the musical

so Cuci The Musical officially starts today.

and i can't go. coz i just came back from KL 10 days ago, and i'm going to KL again in three weeks time. so the timing for the musical is a bit off for me (although it is a purrrrfect timing if i'm in KL, coz someone or anyone can chia me watch this musical on 24th October! :p). since i'm still proudly unemployed (haha!!), i dont want to be a spoil child who only knows how to ask for money from parents and spend them without feeling guilty of not working :p so in other words, i want more money but at the same time i dont want to start working yet so i dont have money so i act like i have no money lah. no money no talk, right? :p and so i cant see Awie and Afdlin Shauki singing at Istana Budaya this time around. the price to pay, eh?

nevermind. i have found another musical performance! the best part is, its free and it happened in real life - more precisely, a real supermarket! this really made my day me for the whole period of Cuci The Musical showing in Istana Budaya! *proud(* 

you OUGHT to check this out:

i wonder what will happen if we do this kinda stuff in Malaysia. you know lah some of the Malaysian. what will you do if you suddenly hear someone singing in soprano pitch dancing around with three or four other people in synchronised steps in Carrefoure? or Ta Kiong maybe? or Giant? ngeehee~

Thursday, October 22, 2009

i love Redang!

when i look up in the sky, and see clouds like these..

it makes want to go to the beach.. and at this very instant, i terribly miss the holiday i had in Redang recently..

with its turquoise colour water baring all its inhabitant in it, who would not cry (silently) in joy? swiftly, all the nausea and headaches from the eight-hour bus journey seems bearable and worth it..


as my feet touched the super soft white fine sand, i really felt like rolling on it and bury myself in it amidst the stinging sun ray.. but of course i didnt..

the water is so very mineral-water-clear that i wished all of the people-whom-i-knew-would-enjoy-this-bliss were with me in this humble island of Redang :)

of course i didnt waste any time.. i got change and have my bimbo moment in the water. hee!

i miss swimming with the fishes..

i discovered there really are blue sands, and i thought Yuna was exaggeratting in her song..

i had the chance to see the house which was once in a movie acted by Sammi Cheng.. and also, i got to know the helpful + zealous beach boy, --- (oohh, i forgot his name!)

i  missed waking up early in the morning just to watch sunrise by the beach - one of my many yet-to-come-true wishes!

but the sun bailed out on me..

and so i just enjoyed myself sitting on the soft + moist sand watching the day as it grew brighter..

and brighter..

and brighter..

and brighter.. before i realised it was time to go home..

*sigh* i really miss the beach AND the island, even Twenteen enjoyed it..

i heart Redang Island!

until my next trip to an island where the fishes and i will reunite, Damai Beach will do.. though it doesnt have sandy white beach, or crystal clear blue water - i'm so very thankful that we have beautiful and clean beaches within the vicinity of Kuching :)

ps: credits to Sheila, for some of the photos are taken by her :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

love story

a love story i live by:

'you should trust me with your life~' she said.
and he DID.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

enough said

this is actually RM10. just too unjust.

Friday, October 16, 2009


i'm tired of giving. i'm tired of having to care what others feel and think. i'm tired of being tolerant. i'm tired of having to cancel my own appointment so i can make an appoinment with you. i'm tired of postponing my plans so yours can go smoothly first. i'm tired of being 'the sweet friend' who always give you gifts. but really, i did them all purely with all the honesty and emphaty that i have in my heart. just to see others happy. and to be remembered, at the very least. but in the end, i'm not as happy.

hours ago, i decided to stop giving. at least for a while, and see what will come my way. will i get back what i've given before? will they wonder why i stop giving and turned into a cold hearted bitch? as all those thoughts float through my brain, i am reminded by the yellow traffic light flickering ahead me. i am practically hitting my own head on the wheel. i AM in a mission to give which is why i woke up early this morning. i am driving, making my way to the florist to get some flowers for someone..

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

sunyi sepi

i either scream or cry.
i either crawl or standstill.

i respect the way you could stand so strong despite what happened.
i admire you didn't lose your sense of humor after all you've been through.
i think highly of your sacrifices you made for the betterment of the people around you.
i look up at what you have, and who you are, and where you stand today.

i want to smile and jump.
i want to laugh and run in circles.
i want to be like you.

but its easier to cry. even easier when no one's around. much easier when no one asked.

but its hard to shed the first tear. tell me how pls...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

which is better?

smart with an attitude


not-so-smart with a big heart

Monday, October 5, 2009

a model in me

suddenly i feel like learning everything. from creative writing to forensic science. can aa?

cute story of the day: 

me: if i want to further my studies taking master, what course you advice me take?
Mak: interior design. it'll compliment your QS degree.
me: if i want to take fashion design can ah?
Mak: why? you want to become a model is it?


ps: of course it took place in sarawakian dialect which makes it even cuter