as for 2011. one great way to start a year is: a wedding! my roomate back in UIA Matric Centre got married on 1.1.11. i am very the very happy for her~ she was my partner in crime back in the Matric years. i used to sleep over at her beautiful place in Sungai Buloh. even if i dont, she would pick me up at the hostel and bring me around. she gave me the very first lesson driving in KL! she showed me around, she taught me alot. we also went out shopping with the exact same top once! haha

Ainil, the beautiful bride. the week before her ceremony, she sent out a note to all her guests to request us all wear white on that day if we have any. in the western countries, it is almost disrespectful for a guest, let alone guestS, to wear white on a wedding reception, cause only the bride gets to wear the colour on that day. but not Ainil. for her, the whiter the better. she wanted everyone to blend in together in whiteness that day! Ainil, your combination with Elly is ravishing, babe! deeply happy from the bottomest of my heart for both of you~
after years of driving in KL, i had my 1st accident. yup yup yup! i chose 1.1.11 to have an accident. i knocked the pillar of my parking lot in my apartment. hahahahaha i dont simply knock other people ok. i accident sorang-sorang jak. hahaha
i was worried sick on Monday night. thinking bout my 1st class for this semester on the next day. because i'll be joining my seniors. up 3 batches senior. and i'm the only one from my batch. konon i'm the super junior in the class la. i'm worried if there's a group or pair work, i'll have no one to pair up with coz i dont know anyone. and of course they already have their own clique. i almost wanted to drop the subject. but i think again, that lame reason is not worth my time. so on my way to the class, i keep on praying to Allah to keep me strong and make the class possible for me. and once i sat inside, Alhamdulillah. everything was fine :) the senior didnt turn up so creepy. i even sat next to the super senior. but then again, i guess in terms of age, i'm the sensei. hahaha now bow to me you little children! the power of doa...
and then... after the class ended, i was rushing my way to Sri Pentas in Bandar Utama. they opened up a counter giving away the tickets away for free at 11am. i want the Anugerah Juara Lagu tickets soooooo badd!!! every possible circumstances popped into my mind. like: its a working day, rilek lah. sikda urang ngambik tiket ya bah. so i relaxed. driving dengan bergaya cool. and then the clock shows 10.45am and i'm already at TTDI area. i thought 'hmmmm gik awal. maybe i could go for a drink sekejap. kekekeke' tetak sorang ingat dah berjaya tahap duduk VVIP seat. and then something clicked into my cute brain 'rami gilaaaaaaa kot people requesting for the ticket. and they're giving it for free, and its limited. people WOULD skip coffee time and drive to Sri Pentas and get those tickets!!!!! especially Malaysian. no drinks for me. MUST GO NOW' then i start driving like a makcik looking for the entrance to Sri Pentas. i got a parking at around 10.55am. and there is already a loooooooooooooooong queue outside the Balai Pengawal. i panicked! double park pun double park la! 'mudahan pakcik somet sik menyaman urang time tok', i prayed. i joined merriment. and i prayed to God i can get those tickets. dipendekkan cerita, doa saya dimakbulkan, lagi. Alhamdulillah :) :) :)

so i am going to watch Yuna perform afterall. and Shahir, and Black and Tomok, and Adila, and Fazial Tahir. yay!
2011. two thousand ELEVEN. so.very.special. i'm lost of words. how do i say this. this year, my relationship with Apiz turns ELEVEN. yup. that'll happen in less than a month. Alhamdulillah :'') who would have thought? not me. yes my initial intention was, mun dah start begerek ya, make sure klak kawen ngan nya, konon becinta sampai ke jinjang pelamin (ewah) sampei beranak pinak sampei ke Syurga, as in no tukar2 boyfriend from the very 1st one, yes thats exactly what happened. but i never imagine how it would make me feel to get this far. i am so very grateful to Allah SWT. Alhamdulillah. thank you Allah. the power of doa, kannn :) :) :')
i guess 2011 will be a memorable year, as lots and lots and lots of friends have chosen this year to tie the knot. Ainil did it. my graceful Sarah got engaged and will be married later this year. and a few number of friends have started sending out invitations as well. and some are already battling the stress metre on wedding preparations.
Sarah & her fiancé
(source: Facebook. ekekekeke)
so i guess the year full of love is finally here~ spread the love people. for those who are still single and available, maybe this is the year you'll be lucky in love. for those who are single but attached, we're in the same boat babes! keep the love growing and pray for the best! for those engaged and waiting to get married, this would be the time to spend all out with your parents and siblings before you got another responsibility on your shoulder! for those who are married, hey make lotsa babies will ya! tadaa! free horoscope for everyone!
now, i have a pesanan to all my sisters in Islam, and also to myself, tips on how to stay attractive and beautiful for the rest of our lives :)
1. To beautify your eyes: lower your gaze towards strange men, this will make your eyes pure and shiny.
2. To beautify your face and make it shiny: keep doing wudhu minimum five times a day.
3. To have attractive lips: always mention Allah and remember to speak the truth.
4. As for blush and rouge: “modesty” (haya’) is one of the best brands and it can be found in any of the Islamic centers.
5. To remove impurities from your face and body: use a soap called “istighfar” (seeking forgiveness of Allah) this soap will remove any bad deeds.
6. Now about your hair: if any if you has a problem of hair split ends, then I suggest “islamic hijab” which will protect your hair from damage.
7. As for jewelry: beautify your hands with humbleness and let your hands be generous and give charity to the poor.
8. To avoid heart disease: forgive people who hurt your feelings.
9. Your necklace should be a sign to pardon your fellow brothers and sisters.
If your follow these advices given to you by the Creator, you will have a beautiful and attractive inner and outer appearance :) inshaAllah.
ps: oh yaa. these two posts have nothing to do with me being a red-head. i'm not a red-head. suka-suka polah title propaganda. hehe although i always wanted to colour my hair red ever since. ok stop. more yapping soon!