Saturday, January 22, 2011

berhenti berharap

i love you so dearly, and i know you love me back. but you dont know how to jaga my hati, and that is very heartbreaking :'(

so so so tired of being disappointed. being let down. being betrayed. being cunningly lied to. but because i only have good thoughts about people that i did what i did. i trust you, and this is what i get. sometimes i feel like going so so so far away from you, to make you realise how it feels for me not to be close and around. but i dont think thats the best way out of this mess. you might not even realise that i am gone. so maybe it is a wake up call. no more high hopes on you. yes, you can finally have your back rest cause i no longer want you to do anything for me, with me. may you find your way, and i find mine.



Fatin J. said...

thanks Aida! that means alot. :)

MinT IceCReaM said...

babe, is everyting alright?