i have this thing bout me bout how i like to say things metaphorically, that sometimes people dont really get what i say, and sometimes the message doesnt really reach the dedicated persona cos that person doesnt really know if i'm talking bout/to him/her just cos i dont mention the issue directly, but sometimes, its just that they simply think i'm not talking bout them and plain ignore it.
it is so much easier to think like a little kid, no?
one day, Bapak was talking bout how hairdressers and chefs can easily get a PR status in the Australia. and Farhana said:
'apa hairdresser? rambut pakei baju?? pelik na juak?'
and then another time, Bapak said a friend of his died of 'sakit TB'. and Farhana the TV junkie said:
'aie! nangga TB (as in television, TV) boleh sakit kah??'
sometimes, all a girl wants is attention and gestures showing that we matter; and of course constant reminder that we are always loved and remembered :)