Friday, June 25, 2010

sweet tooth

here's another cupcake story. enjoy!

i think this design has grown to be one of my favs.

nice effect huh? good job plastic factory! hehe

one of my favs too!

designed by Mak. Rafflesia i call it :p

until we meet again!


ztie said...

kamek mok cuppies lagiK!!!! hehehehe follow u ~

Fatin J. said...

hihi thanx zati!! :D

ztie said...

serious kmk mok! hahahah bila ktk balit lak ktk inform kmk ow.. well, i mean. bila ktk da masa la nak molah. hehe... kmk sempat makan sigek jak ria. yg lain2 alu licin di kebas org. hehe

Fatin J. said...

haih mena?? cupcakes for raya maybe? ;p ok ok klak mek balit Kuching mek padah ngan kitak! :D