call me outdated. coz i am. i dont read the newspapers, i dont watch prime news at 8pm. i still think that i'm a kid that does not need to bother about the happenings around the world, but at the same time wanting to be treated like an adult.
back to me being outdated, earlier today while cleaning the house, my mom found and article about the murder of Marwa Ali El-Sherbini and showed it to me. it was dated back in July 2009. some may have read the story from somewhere else, but i bet some have not heard of it, like me. right? ;p i have goosebumps after finish reading the article. the full article can be found on utusan malaysia online. wikipedia also has a good way of telling the story.

briefly, Marwa was an Egyptian woman who moved to German in 2008 with her family. she was verbally abused in a quarrel at a playground by a man called Alex W over a swing played by Marwa's son and Alex's niece. she was called 'Islamist', 'terrorist' and 'slut' by Alex for wearing the hijaab. others who were at the playground tried to stop Alex but he continued assaulting Marwa with his words until the police arrived. he was charged with defamation and was found guilty with a fine of 780 Euro. Alex then insulted Marwa again and this time publicly in the trial room thus causing him a higher conviction and an appeal hearing was held on July 1, 2009. on that day, after Marwa has testified, Alex walked across the room and stabbed Marwa about 18 times in front of all presence while shouting 'you dont desrve to live!'. Marwa's husband, Elwi Ali Okaz tried to protect her wife but was also stabbed by Alex. there wasnt a single security officer in the court room that day but luckily there was a policeman who was testifying over a different case nearby and he was called to the rescue. the policeman wrongly shot Elwi's leg for he mistook Elwi for the attacker. Elwi was seriously injured and went into a coma for two days, while Marwa couldnt make it and died on the scene. Alex was arrested there and then.
what's worse is that Marwa's three year-old-son was also in the room the day his parents were stabbed, and even worst: Marwa was pregnant with her second child at that time which was only three months old in her womb.
this might happened two months back, but the impact of it will never be outdated.
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