meanwhile, these are some of the pictures Apiz and i took - still in the experimental stage (i dont think i'll ever stop experimenting. the outcomes of this thing are just so unpredictable.)
#1 never give up on camwhoring! again, forgot to change the zoom focus :|
#2 mv doulos ship. i loike the sky very muchy!
#3 double exposure. one with ordinary square frame. another using Fisheye lens. the yellow patch wasnt experimental on purpose. the film was damaged before processing and create somehow this not-so-cool effect to this photo.

#4 the damaged patch is disturbing :(
#5 i know fellow lomographers like to experiment with many different things that can be done to the film. like peeing on them or cut them into pieces and put them back together. but i dont. maybe at this stage, where i'm still struggling to get a fair picture with good lighting and good zoom focal, i'm not interested in experimenting with the film just yet.
#6 the damaged patch is ugly :( without the ugly patch, this photo could be on a poster of classic Malay film like Azura or Ali Setan.. *perasan mode*

#7 indoor shot with the lights keep on changing colour. i thought i got the green light, but it turned out blue.

#8 same scene with different light colour. with some traces of damaged film.
#9 taken by Apiz on a bright afternoon. i placed a green transparency in front of the lens to create the same effect when using colorsplash or ringflash (or so i thought).

#10 this is by Apiz. nice sky :)

#11 this picture would have been nice if the middle part of the frame wasnt exposed to light. another mistake of mine. i didnt roll the film tightly thus light penetrated between the films and become like this.
now i realised how frustrated i am with the outcomes of this set of film. make me sad la blogging bout these pictures. but we learn through all these mistakes, right? *comforting self*
lets just end this entry with a remix tribute video for michael jackson. this is smartness!!
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