there are things in life that are so truly beautiful that cant be captured through the lens of the camera. be it digital camera, classic oldskool camera or a hi-tech SLR; none can capture the beauty which lies in front of the naked eyes. like the recurring identical houses in Jalan Bangkok, Penang – which caught me in awe when a friend first brought me to that street. standing at one end of the street, the similar pattern of old building design on both sides of the street create a perfect perspective vision thru the lens of the naked eye, but through the lens of the camera, it will only send the message of a bunch of old looking semi-D’s with outdated design. the viewer of the picture will not experience the beauty of Jalan Bangkok like those who have set foot on the road itself. also, like the face of those whom we love. at times, we may be apart from the person we love, and we’ll miss them like crazy, like we can’t stand another minute without these people being close. at those times, we look for something that could help us ease the feeling and make us feel better, at least a little bit. we try look for a picture in the pictures folder, or an album; we look into the inbox of our hps to find an old text; we look into the box to search for the gift they gave us once; we look everywhere to get anything that could remind us of them that might just help us miss those people less. we might find those things, and they could help us a little. some might smile or laugh just by looking at what was found. some might smile and cry for what found was comforting, yet at the same time the feeling is still there, may be greater. i myself have looked into the album – both the book and inside my hard disk – to find a picture of him that could help me relive the recent two days of my life when we spend most of the waking hours together. and what did i found? nothing. why? cause the dummy me didn’t even take a picture of him at that time. why? simply because i was so bahagia at that time and i realised i could only experience it alive at that time, and my camera couldn’t capture that moment as beautifully as my heart. so i put my camera aside, and just live that moment then. and now, i’m reliving it in my head, everything is still fresh like it just happened just now. the memory might slowly fade as i grow older by day – unlike the memory printed on a picture – but i’m happy that i fully rejoice the moment by heart and not wasted a single minute trying to put an incomparable feeling on a film.
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