a reminder of why we have to go watch PDB show :P
Monday, January 30, 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Saturday, January 14, 2012
daddy's cupcake
something cute happened the other day.. ohh btw i'm in Kuching! yay! and the little Aqif will also be here in 5 days. double yay! the other day I was playing with Aqif, and my brother was also in the same room.
i was holding Aqif..
me: Aqif, klak di Kuching kita polah cupcakes ok!
Abang: nya lah cupcake *head down looking at his phone*
me: hah?? *surprised that my brother actually responds to my silly conversation with a 3-month-old baby*
Abang: nya lah cupcake *looked at me, serious face*
me: sapa?
Abang: Aqif lah. nya lah cupcake.
aieeeeeee paham sikkk? how cute is that?? a brother whom all this while doesnt seem to care bout the existence of cupcakes let alone my passion for cupcakes, is actually saying his son is THE cupcake! I bet my sis-in-law who was listening in the other room was also surprised. haha thinking bout the conversation made my day over and over again :))

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Monday, January 9, 2012
so long 2011
Assalamualaikum, and happy new year y'all!! sorry i'm 9 days late to wish you guys that, but we are still in the new year spirit righttt! new year, new resolutions, new aims, new goals, new targets, alll sorts of things you want them new. na'ah? alrity, since my previous years azam were not that accomplished (i cant remember making any azam for 2011 to start with), lets just make this year's azam to be better than yesteryear(s). be a better daughter, a better sister, a better friend, a better lover, a better listener, a better punch bag, a better giver, a better writer, a better student, a better designer, a better QS, a better baker, a better stalker, a better girl woman, a better human being, a better Malaysian, a better Kuchingite, on top all, a better servant to my Creator, a better Muslim.
1. I want to come early for meetings and classes (ergh. kantoi).
2. I want to socialise more in person, rather than just logging on to FB to look if they are on chat.
3. I want to sleep on time and have deep quality slumber.
4. I have to stop procastinating.
5. I have to explore KL more : both the real deal of living in KL, AND the confusing-making-me-cry-when-i'm-lost-road of Klang Valley -_-'' (but i'm scared!)
6. I have to not be scared.
errrr regarding no 4, I think i'll start right after thiss post. coz if I started, this entry might have been posted like 10 days ago :P
recap on how my 2011 went:
Apiz turned 25! big boyy!
and we turned 11 :')
the sleepless nights in March. due to datelines AND some pain i felt on my right side of tummy, apparently due to follicular cyst. still can feel the pain now, literally this very moment. but the doc said its nothing serious so i'm putting a strong face on :)
after the battle with 3D Autocad and the tummy pain, i got to board the plane to Adelaide at 10pm the same day i submitted my work! what a blisss! lamak dah sik go on a long flight to anywhere.. seronok ok!! :D i started feeling excited when we took the train and left the main terminal for the international terminal in KLIA. i dont know if they have specific name for the terminals :P
enjoying evening sun in Glenelg, Adelaide. i super duper love evening sun!! :D
reaching Ashcombe Maze & Lavender Garden to me, was a big accomplishment! though i wasnt driving, but it was my initiative. i read bout this place way back before i even know i'm going to Melbourne anytime soon. see, i have a thing for cool stuff like a MAZE! and also a garden full of flowers in harmony colour! i just keep the info that i got in a little notebook that i carry around, and when i did know for sure that i'm bound for Melbourne in April, i searched for more info on the place. and the morning we were supposed to drive to the garden, i woke up early so i can go to the Visitor Information Centre to get one final info on the route to get to that place. it is in Shoreham, Victoria and is approximately 94km away from Melbourne CBD. on our way, i think we passed a few vineyard. but i was asleep half of the journey coz i didnt have enough sleep the night before, and i'm already tired of the walk i took that morning to the Visitor Information Centre. haish.
my friend said that i took a lot of photos of building and sceneries while i'm in Adelaide and Melbourne. but i countered back, "there are photos of me, but i didnt upload them (on FB). i purposely put the ones without me in them" but then when i checked back, nang sik banyak pun! ahaha like 90% of the photos are buildings and sceneries ALONE. welll... i have my reasons :|
on 26 August 2011, also on the 26th day of the fasting month last year, my grandfather passed away peacefully on a Friday morning. needless i say more, he is dearly missed and forever will be loved by all of the family members. may Allah SWT grants him barakah in the hereafter. Ameen..
a little guy name Muhd Aqif Raziq was born on 14 September 2011!! he is my darling little nephew. i remember he was handsome and have long legs when i first met him, that is two days after he was born :)
i got pretty excited that i spelled 'Auntie' with double A. hehe :P
and this is his recent photo. acting all gangster in his hooded sleeveless shirt. careful when you see this little brat in your hood, he might look you in the eyes and you will fall in love ♥
this was how i celebrated my birthday!
24 october. eh tiba-tiba :P
hehehe of course you cant see anything! we were watching fireflies and trying to take home a souvenir photo of them, but of course we failed. the first hand experience was awesomenesss! this is another place on my secret wishlist, that i never tell anyone i wanted to go, well i guess Apiz knows my obsession with awesome stuff like this. thank you, you :) Apiz keep on singing Firefly by Owl City during the journey to and from the park. hihihi
birthday dinner 1 :P
birthday dinner 2 - with two birthday cakes :')
oh and just a few minutes before 12am menandakan 25 October, i received a text from my mom. sounded something like this:
so u are 25 today. u must know how to make wise decision in whatever ways. may Allah bless us. Amin.
i felt sad reading it. it just feels like i'm old enough to take care of myself, but sometimes i cant do it right. how how how lah to take care of people around me? at this age, i am the one who's suppose to take care of my parents welfare, but i still ask them for money *malunyaa* and i definitely am bad at decision making. always calling my mom every now and then to ask if its ok to do this or that. but InsyaAllah, i'll learn. and i'll do something so i can start doing what a daughter my age should do to their parents :')
i also get to see Shane in action in real time this yearrrr! ehh. i mean Westlife. Westlife in action in real time :P very the excited! especially when they did What Makes a Man and Flying Without Wings :')
i guess both me and Apiz are glad that we discovered Ayam and Projek Disko Baldi this year. heheh
and the weddings! i think 2011 is the year friends start getting married. both primary & secondary school friends and uni friends. one after another, and these are some of the ceremony that i got to go to.. there are a few more that i didnt manage to go.. nevertheless, my prayers are always with those who made this big step to maturity and above all, pure engagement called marriage :)
Ainil & Elly. they are now expecting a baby anytime soon this month! :D
Iman and her husband (sorry i forgot his name!) already has one additional member to the family! :D
Sarah & Rudi - also expecting the little one sometime in May! :D
Pejul & Bahiyah. shaky i know. but this is the only photo i have of us.
my darling Asha & Nasir. well babe, we are expecting the good news from you ;P
Rabiah & Yasser. alicia keys kolej dah kawen y'all :P
Nur & Farhan - one of my very first friends from primary school years :')
just like 2011, i am blessed to get to usher the new year 2012 together with my family.
i wish you all a happy year ahead. sure there'll be hurdles and obstacles along the way, but like we always hear from time to time, what doesnt kill you, makes you stronger, right? and Allah SWT surely does not put you through something you can not deal with. believe and pray.
till next post :)
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