Saturday, June 26, 2010

when two equals two

matter regarding the heart, and involves a boy and a girl is sometimes very much complicated more than you know. when it is actually simple to love and to be loved, admit it that our desires and needs in life sometimes moves parallel and doesnt have a meeting point at any circumstances. that is when we have to build a strong (and flexible) bridge to connect those two lines so we can go to the other side at any desired time to support each other. and who knows if those lines might find a way to intersect at some point.

i have this thing bout me bout how i like to say things metaphorically, that sometimes people dont really get what i say, and sometimes the message doesnt really reach the dedicated persona cos that person doesnt really know if i'm talking bout/to him/her just cos i dont mention the issue directly, but sometimes, its just that they simply think i'm not talking bout them and plain ignore it.

it is so much easier to think like a little kid, no?

one day, Bapak was talking bout how hairdressers and chefs can easily get a PR status in the Australia. and Farhana said:

'apa hairdresser? rambut pakei baju?? pelik na juak?'

and then another time, Bapak said a friend of his died of 'sakit TB'. and Farhana the TV junkie said:

'aie! nangga TB (as in television, TV) boleh sakit kah??'

sometimes, all a girl wants is attention and gestures showing that we matter; and of course constant reminder that we are always loved and remembered :)

1 comment:

Roserina said...

wakakakakakakaka!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!! that's all i can produce at the moment... hahahahahaha... :))))))))))))))