Assalamualaikum :)
i just went back from the Westlife concert. like seven hours ago. ahah but i cant sleep since i drank teh tarik for the very late dinner just now. or was it just post-concert excitement? :B my heart is beating fast like a drum beat on a macarena song. yerdeh. i did try the relaxation method, or whatever you call it, to slow down the heart palpitation, but failed. hey i succeeded in few cases before! oh yess i got insomnia alot! its just the beginning of the semester, only week 1 to be exact, and i'm already staying up throughout the night (the best part is i did nothing but toss and turn in my bed instead of doing assignment!!) ! hoorayy! not.
so yeah, about the concert. AWESOME! need i say more? Westlife was awesome as always. as awesome as 11 years ago. i just wished they could sing more of the old old tracks - coz they sound more familiar than the new ones...? :P honestly, i stopped following them after i left secondary school. not purposely though, it just grew out of me. it grew out most of people i think. maybe cos we have more things to attend to other than drooling over some good looking fellas who sing beautiful love songs? but i never stop liking them though. whenever i hear their new song on the radio, i can easily recognised Shane & Mark's voices and i know that's Westlife :P and to prove my love for them, i never like another band or singer more than i like them after i stopped following them. well, until JB comes up. but that's nothing compared to how i love those Irish lads! ok nang mena-menar lah nak convince you people that i really like these people. like proving my love to them gituu. well, there were the very first band/singer that i'm a fan of from the English mainstream. seriously. before Westlife, i was the biggest fan of Elite!!!!! hahahaha SERIOUS confession here, people!! :P nahh i'm not ashamed of it. i still like to look at the pretty photos of the Elite members. i guess every girl has an idol to look up in their process of growing up, right? well i first started with a Barbie, and then the fairytale princesses (or was it the other way round? it should be the other way round) and then there were these Elite girls. haha ok we were talking bout who, again? Westlife or Elite? a'hah about the concert, the only thing that was a bit frustrating was the stage. stage AF lagik grande than this one. it was just a rectangular stage in black. no LED lights under the floor like Anugerah Juara Lagu. no fun. since i don't really know their new songs, what more to memorise the lyrics of those songs, i can't sing along to those songs. but but but! - i did screamed my lungs out to What Makes A Man and Flying Without Wings!!! i'm actually surprised that they sang What Makes a Man since it wasn't a hit song. was it? i was hoping they do the signature Swear It Again, or legendary If I Let You Go. like the very first few songs that introduced Westlife to the world! heheh BUT i was also expecting Flying Without Wings, so i am super duper contented! :) and when Nicky said 'raise up your hands if you listened to Westlife songs during your high school time?' or something like that, i just feel connected, you know! you who listened to Westlife songs especially during your Form 1 2 3 years would know what i'm saying! but then he added 'yeah! it makes you feel old, right?' or something like that. ahaha what we all did not expect was, a proposal made by a guy to his girlfriend on the stage before the thousand pairs of eyes in the stadium! and after the lady said yes to her newly-engaged man, the Westlife lads sang My Love with the couple still sitting on the stage. and they hugged after the song ended! i mean the newly-engaged couple hugged those four Irish boys one by one, not they hugged each other. how romantic and sweet and beautiful moment was that?? not the hugging part (that was the jealousy part), the proposing part in front of many on a stage with Kian and Mark recording the moment on their personal recording devices! well having a heart as soft as a tissue, of course i cried. it's like watching romantic comedy bah! the difference is its the real world and those two people are serious in marrying each other, not an act, that the ring stays on the finger after the curtains are drawn! i hope. all in all in all, i still have the hots for Shane :P

that's the happy couple. and the boring stage.
(didn't expect the photo would be too small - very the lazy to crop. :P)
happy faces of 12 years Westlife fans! :)
now now now. still no sign for my eyes wanting to shut and call it a day. in fact, i think i'm ready for breakfast. nyum nyum nyum~