Friday, July 15, 2011

Nisfu Syaaban

its Nisfu Syaaban tomorrow, friends :) 16 July 2011 it is, starting from Maghrib. 'nisfu' means middle in Arabic; nisfu Syaaban means the middle of the month Syaaban. there are lots of benefits of the night of Syaaban, among others:

"A hadith said that the advantage of the month of Rejab is the same as the benefits of the Holy Quran compared to other 'qalam', the month of Sya'aban as the same as the entire 'Anbia', and the month of Ramadhan as the same as Allah over all the creatures.One of the benefits of Sya'aban is that those who fast on any day, Allah will forbid him from hellfire and they will be companions to Prophet Yusof in heaven.Another hadith, as narrated by Ibnu Habban in his authentic book, from Muaz bin Jabal ra, said that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) spoke that "Allah will see his followers on the night of Nisfu Sya'aban and Allah will give rewards or pahala to all of the followers, except those who commit syirik (witchcraft) and adultery".As narrated by Abdullah bin Amru bin al-As, which means "Allah looks at his creatures on the night of Nisfu Sya'aban, and will grant forgiveness, except for two groups, that are those who commit suicide and those who spread fitnah"." (source)

"Hari nisfu sya’aban adalah hari dimana buku catatan amalan kita selama setahun diangkat ke langit dan diganti dengan buku catatan yang baru. Catatan pertama yang akan dicatatkan dibuku yang baru akan bermula sebaik sahaja masuk waktu maghrib, (15 Sya’aban bermula pada 14 hb sya’aban sebaik sahaja masuk maghrib)" (source)

"Dari Abu Hurairah r.a : Nabi saw bersabda : “Telah datang kepadaku Jibrail pada malam nisfu Syaaban dan dia berkata : “Ya Muhammad, pada malam ini pintu-pintu langit dan pintu-pintulah rahmat dibuka. Maka berdirilah dan kerjakan solat lalu angkatlah kedua tanganmu ke langit”. Kata saya : Hai Jibrail, apakah erti malam ini?” Dia menjawab : “Pada malam ini telah dibuka 300 pintu rahmat, maka Allah swtmengampuni orang-orang yang tidak mensyerikatkan Allah dengan sesuatupun, kecuali para ahli sihir, dukun, orang yang suka bermusuhan, peminum khamar, orang yang berbuat zina, pemakan riba, orang yang derhaka kepada kedua orang tua, orang yang suka mengadu domba dan orang yang memutuskan tali persaudaraan, maka sesungguhnya mereka itu tidak akan diampuni sehingga mereka bertaubat dan tidak mengulangi.”" (source)

here's another great read. i only hope all my readers understand Bahasa Malaysia, cause i cant really find good articles bout Nisfu Syaaban in English :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

my hungry turtles

you like my new layout? you like? you like? i just think that i had enough of dull (brown) colour for my background, so i look for a fresher and brighter shades to feast your eyes! do you feel fresher??? heh apa kah dikerepak ku? but i love the layout before tooooo, so dont be surprised if i change it back to the old layout! hehe besides, i think i messed up my turtles' home on the left hand side of the screen. you see my turtles there? no turtles?? yea sometimes they're there, sometimes they wander off onto the sands sampei ilang. heheheh i dont know how to fix the size of the box. ekekekekek okay this is just random rambling on a Thursday afternoon. now i wanna cook my fish. i've been on a fish diet for two weeks. why?? coz i'm just bored of chicken! hehehe and and and i'm watching Harry Potter later in the evening! yipppyyyyy!!! dah boleh beli Harry Potter's dvd collection...! yeayy! sapa sapa rasa mok berik birthday present in advance, sela lah! ekekekekekek

                                 now you see..                                            now you don't!


Friday, July 8, 2011

thank God it's Kuching!

i am currently in Kuching. been here for the past eight days. before i came back from KL, i had all these keazaman to update my blog and also my FB albums. BUT up til now, i havent done anything to both (this is the first attempt and i'm going off to KL soon). i rarely check the FB and i dont really log on to the blogger! then i start tracing back the root to my laziness/procrastination: when you're away from home, you have nothing else better to do than checking your account every now and then to peek on all the cool stuff thats happening that you're missing out, BUT when you're home, you're THE happening! so you dont really need those alam maya thingy to make you feel good or fill your time, coz you have real people in real time. betol sik???? cepat padah betol! erhh bottomline: my life in KL is dull la eh? you can say so, a bit lah :|

i have a cat name Fasha here. why the name, or how? well this tabby cat has white hair on her toes which makes her look as if 'berpaca'. you know, paca kuku ya bah, nail polish kata urang puteh. so instead of calling her 'Paca', i give class to the name hence 'Fasha'. hehehe bukan sempena Fasha Sanda ok. but then, as the cat grew bigger and older, she becomes ngegeh and very manjak. she's ngegeh around human - she doesnt want human to touch her, she'll run away when you go near her; she's manjak with her mummy and all other cats around - she'll come from whichever angle and poke her head to other cats' head, depan ka blakang ka tepi ka, tang ada ngesel palak nya ke palak pusak nak sekok gik ya. she usually do this to her mum lah. but if you start playing with other cats in front of her, she'll come and poke her head at you too. and thats her being ngegeh + manjak + jealous? and oh ya, she still drinks the milk from her mummy eventhough the milk are meant for the batches below her :| and then..... something happened. Fasha gave birth to three healthy kittens last Monday. at first, she looked like she didnt know what to do with the babies. beranak pun mengarei. first time bah, oo tedah. but when me and my sister put them all together in a box, she cant leave her babies even for a while! she's in the box for almost 90% of the day. she only comes out to eat, she doesnt even drink after eating but walks straight back to her babies!! she is the most loving mother cat we ever had in this house, serious aku janji! sometimes when i purposely flag the food in front of her so she would come out to eat, she ignores the food (mostly she ignores me) and continue being a caring & loving mother instead. so sweet lah u Fasha! but you're still ngegeh, alu jadi macam Fasha Sanda sikit sikit.

fifteen minutes ago i have a few more things on my mind that i want to share, but now, it looks like i forgot the points... hihihihi talk bout short attention span. macam pusak. oh i miss Mickey.

Kuching is so damn naisss!! want to stay here longer and not wanting to go back to KL soon can? pleeeeeease~