Saturday, February 4, 2012



just a few food for thoughts..

my mom once said: kadang-kadang bila kita marah, kita jadi ter-kurang ajar.

and i am actually scared of myself when i am mad. unfortunately, lately i did blew up like never before. it was appropriate the thing i was mad at, but it wasn't appropriate at all what i did or said. it scares the people around me, it scares the hell out of me most of all.

a girl friend once gave me advice on surviving a relationship: don't mention other guys' name too much in front of your boyfriend. he'll eventually get bored of the relationship.

i took the advice, thankful of the reminder and live by it. though i know deep down i'm not gonna do it even if i wasn't told coz who would want to do that? isn't it too deliberately hurtful? but i don't think guys give smart advice like that to their pals. what a pity. what a shame.

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