Monday, February 20, 2012

pinch me!

Assalamualaikum.. :)

hey hey! i was just sitting on the couch watching TV and suddenly i remembered something that happened almost two years ago.. when someone introduced me to another someone and the first someone said to the other one that i was going to further my study.. and the second someone asked for  how long, i said two years, InsyaAllah.. and then time and again when i came back to Kuching, people would asked (especially grandparents, how cute!) "bila gik Aten abis blaja?" it was always, "sik lamak gik Nek.. setaun gik" and then "sik lamak gik.. enam bulan gik abis lah.." and then "taun depan Nek.. bulan tiga.." and now, it's 2012 and it is already February. i'm finishing in March, InsyaAllah.. will be graduating in April (with a BIG DEAL presentation that comes with it).. i'm nervous for the presentation, but i'm excited at the same time for finally arriving at the end of 'two years', and on top all i'm pump to do the finale design for my Diploma programme. though it doesn't really end after graduation (there's a-two-month internship after, yea yea its weird that we get to graduate before the internship), hey at least i am graduating right? teehee! syukur.. :')

i still am pinching myself from time to time, that i am finally done with the two years of studying ID. how time flies fast right.. i just have to let that out to make it sound more realistic. so i dont waste any more time lazing around on the couch watching TV, like i am doing just now. ngeeee. okay then. off to the student responsibility. yerdeh!

Saturday, February 4, 2012



just a few food for thoughts..

my mom once said: kadang-kadang bila kita marah, kita jadi ter-kurang ajar.

and i am actually scared of myself when i am mad. unfortunately, lately i did blew up like never before. it was appropriate the thing i was mad at, but it wasn't appropriate at all what i did or said. it scares the people around me, it scares the hell out of me most of all.

a girl friend once gave me advice on surviving a relationship: don't mention other guys' name too much in front of your boyfriend. he'll eventually get bored of the relationship.

i took the advice, thankful of the reminder and live by it. though i know deep down i'm not gonna do it even if i wasn't told coz who would want to do that? isn't it too deliberately hurtful? but i don't think guys give smart advice like that to their pals. what a pity. what a shame.