my plane boarded at 6.20am Adelaide time. so we get to see the sunrise while we're in the air. this was the horizon of Australia during the dawn. Subhanallah, pretty isnt it? :') and i like to think that the bulging thingy which create uneven line on the orange background is Ayers Rock, another place i'd really like to visit someday :)
after a 2-hour nap after we got off the plane, went for halal food hunting. and found this Indonesian restaurant, Nelayan. boleh la tahan, lapar tek nak.. and my friend deliberately took this photo with the nyonya at the back. tokay kedei ya katanya..
while we were in Melbourne, the Melbourne International Comedy Festival just started. i saw the TV ad since we were in Adelaide, but not until i watched this ad in our hotel in Melbourne that i realised this people take the festival really seriously in this city!
Melbourne people really have at least one funny bone in their body huh?
the event night. i wanted to walk up that stairs and take photos of the posters, but we were late for a dinner appointment with my cousin. it looks cool right from the outside?
the event venue of the festival at night, side profile.
this was where we're heading for the first dinner in Melbourne. Lythgow Street. this crossroad somehow looks like one which is in Adelaide. the west town or something.. macam dejavu ngan Adelaide jap..
a buliding not far from our hotel. see the blue flags on the right? thats the comedy festival posters yapping in the wind. hehe (these photos are not in timeline order)
the building i admired very much once i laid eyes on it. then it turned out to be a church. the gothic design of the buildings of its kind, the detailing, and how it just stands out from the others, i'm amazed!
just opposite the gothic building: Federation Square. google dikpun apa ada sia k. saya malas. bak kata Apiz when i asked him to google apa tah, "ingat google ya cikgu kah?" oh wait, the buildings are listed on the direction board already. tadaaa!
view of the other side of the river. see those flagss (again)???
Federation Square was also used as one of the venues for the comedy festival. Melbourne is so full of artsy stuff! i very loike lah!
tiba-tiba ada gamba building di waktu siang. yesss this was in the morning, the ones before was during senja. mun Bapak tauk mesti kenak anok main luar waktu Maghrib -_-"
another view of the other side of Yarra River. that is Melbourne Art Centre. macam Eiffel sik? cepat padah aok.
adjacent to the square, is the Spencer Street Train Station.
inside the station. lotsa clock showing the times of the train departing. ada immigrant jual bunga on the right. all the flowers are prettyful! i mean beautyful. i mean beuatiful. b e a u t i f u l lah. mok backspace pun malas dah :|
train route.
this was my first encounter with RMIT sign (at one of the shoplots) when we were busy food hunting for the first time. i stopped for a while to peek on this 'Capitol Theatre' and i thought "emmm kay.. so this is RMIT. should have some classes and offices upstairs lah oo..."
kept on walking and found this building with tonnes of young people lingering around it. muka macam abang ku nang banyak lah. and i wondered whhyy.. where did these people come from? why suddenly your faces are evrywhere? why?
and then i saw this awesome piece of art next to the building above. i still wonder wth.
and then came this building into view, next to the building with the awesome green slime on it. and then terpampanglah RMIT University sign sebesar gajah menempeleng me in the face. and then i monologue dalaman "WHOAH! COOL NYA RMIT!!!!!! (bukan sekadar a shoplot tepi jeraya -____-")" the building with the grenn slime is also RMIT's building. the one with lots of people sitting on the grass is Melbourne Library.
also RMIT.
one of their studios which is visible to pedestrians. it is like half below ground level, if you know what i mean (like this is me looking down on the window). very the cool!
very the cool one more time.
opposite the library. shopping mall with cinema. absolute coolness RMIT tok!
RMIT too.
RMIT again.
ohh.. thats what it stands for..
yea in Australia you can basically drink the water directly from the tap, unless stated otherwise.
tiba-tiba ada gik RMIT di belakang lorong.
summary: RMIT is everywhere. mengarei okay. turn right RMIT, turn left RMIT. its like an open campus university. is that what they call it? or is it city university ka apa oo.. i'll google it ask my dad again cause he did mention bout it once. i think there are more of RMIT photos in my memory card, which i yet to transfer. teeheee! if there are more interesting shots, i'll definitely share it with you guys! :)
now now, lets sleep. coz i have tonnes of assignments due next week! okay that just doesnt go together... part II coming up when i feel like it :D
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