my first roll of film, i only get 8 frames which are scannable. erk and among the eight pictures, not all are interpretable. i mean:
#1 insufficient light exposure, although i was outdoor on a bright sunny afternoon. mind u this is my very first shot ;)
#2 attempt on double exposure. Apiz helped made the second shot.
#3 attempt on camwhoring. FAIL abis. hehe
#4 a sight of food. i forgot to adjust the focus zoom. so you cant really see what im eating. btw this was last Ramadhan when i was breaking fast with friends AND was still a student. oh that makes me sound so old.
#5 another attempt on double exposure, plus im playing with lights. that's KLCC at the middle of the picture :)
#6 this is the first and ONLY perfect picture of the first roll! and i am proud of myself at that time, kononnya la, coz this picture IS perfect. right? ;p and if people ask, then, how Diana+ picture differ from those which are taken from ordinary digital camera, i proudly show them this pic(only). hehe
#7 and then i came across black & white 120film which was quite interesting.
#8 i dont know what went wrong with this frame but it turned out pretty cool. btw, this was taken by Shikin, i directed(and posed, try find me! ;p)
#9 double exposure. one of my favourites!
#10 and then i received this super-cool lens in my mailbox from someone truly special - Fisheye Lens! and this is my very first attempt using Fisheye lens, and it works! also, one of my favourites!
when most of my frames didnt turn out well, i got fed-up a lil bit and i declared myself helpless with Diana+ with low lights. so i asked Apiz to take charge of the next film under my supervision *ehem* (does that make taking photo with Diana+ sound important?) hee and so we went about Kuching looking for potential nice scenery.

#11 and then it was christmas (by Apiz)

#12 indoor. low lights. and this picture is almost perfect except for the blurry me, well thats because i was moving when Apiz took this picture. so Apiz have steady hands(and i dont)?? *sik puas hati*

#13 if i were the one taking this picture, i bet you wouldnt know whats that green thing coz it'll be all over the frame.

#14 again by Apiz.
#15 and we found out that, camwhoring with Fisheye works!
you know what, im getting tired of uploading these pictures. and there are lots more fail attempts i want to share with you before i got it ALL right in my latest roll of film. but i'll continue another time okie?
btw, happy Ramadhan all. happy fasting & happy ber-tarawikh & happy ber-ibadat :) :)
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